Why Are Men So Angry and What Do They Really Need? 

 June 14, 2019

By  Jed Diamond

For fifty years now I have been counseling men and the families who love them. It seems clear to me that men are becoming increasingly angry and depressed. I describe the reasons the underlying causes and solutions in my books The Irritable Male Syndrome: Understanding and Managing the 4 Key Causes of Depression and Aggression and in my new e-book, Mr. Mean: Saving Your Relationship From the Irritable Male Syndrome.

There are two reasons that are so pervasive that we often fail to recognize them: Male loneliness and male shame.

Males Have Fewer Friends Than Females 

I conduct workshops on health and well-being for men and women all over the world. I’ll often ask the women in the audience, “How many of you have three or more close friends that you confide in and you reach out to in time of need?” Most all the women raise their hands. When I poll the men in the audience, almost no men raise their hands. At most men will have one close friend. Often, it’s their spouse. If problems arise in the relationship, most men are left completely on their own.

Surprisingly, loneliness is not only more common in men than women but is most common in successful men. In his book, Lonely at the Top: The High Cost of Men’s Success by Thomas Joiner, Ph.D. “men’s main problem,” says Dr. Joiner, “is not self-loathing, stupidity, greed, or any of the legions of other things they’re accused of. The problem, instead, is loneliness.”

In his book, Dr. Joiner shares his personal experiences with a father who committed suicide as well as studies of suicide which is much more prevalent in males than females. He cited a postmortem report on a man who had taken an overdose of pills. It read, in part, “He did not have friends…He did not feel comfortable with other men…He did not trust doctors and would not seek help even though he was aware that he needed help.”

The great friendships recorded in history have been between men, and friendships among men have often been romanticized and idealized. Men’s friendships have typically been described in terms of bravery and physical sacrifice in providing assistance to others. But rarely do these historical accounts celebrate interpersonal relationships characterized by closeness and compassion for other men.  Gender researcher R.R. Bell says, “This has been so because masculine values have made those kinds of feelings inappropriate and highly suspect–they were unmanly.”

Despite the romantic view of the male friendship, researchers have found that men have significantly fewer friends than women, especially close friendships or best friends. Instead, men often have “activity friends” such as a weekly tennis partner or drinking buddy. The friendship is often based on the exchange of favors rather than emotional support. Men often are able to advance their careers with these kinds of friendships, but they fall short of what most of us need. As a result, many men feel isolated and angry.

Herb Goldberg, Ph.D. expressed the dilemma many men face in his book The Hazards of Being Male:  Surviving the Myth of Masculine Privilege:  “The male has paid a heavy price for his masculine ‘privilege’ and power.  He is out of touch with his emotions and his body. He is playing by the rules of the male game plan and with lemming-like purpose, he is destroying himself—emotionally, psychologically and physically.”

Men are often cut off from the healing value of friendship and the problem gets worse as we age.  Men tend to become more isolated as we age. “As they age,” says Dr. Joiner, “men tend to drift off and wither, and as they do, they avoid healthy fixes. Instead of attending to their health, men resort to fixes that feel like solutions in the short term, but aren’t.”

I’ve seen too many men who trade the “band-aid fixes” of drinking buddies or online friends, for the real emotional connections that we all need. It’s no wonder that so many men are irritable, angry, and depressed.

Antidote for Loneliness

It might seem obvious that men need to have more close friends. But it isn’t easy developing new friendships, particularly as we get older. Yet, it may be the most important health practice we can engage. I joined a men’s group in my late 30s after my first wife and I divorced. My group has been meeting now for more than 40 years. I started another men’s group recently. I see it as the best form of health and life insurance I could have. You don’t even need a group. Call a friend and get real. Tell him how you’re really feeling. You might be surprised to learn that he is feeling lonely too.

Males Carry a Great Deal of Hidden Shame

We’ve all experienced shame in our lives. We feel small and vulnerable. We want to disappear.  “Shame,” says author Merle Fossum, “is feeling alone in the pit of unworthiness.” He describes shame as being much more deeply rooted than most people believe. “Shame is not just a low reading on the thermometer of self-esteem. Shame is something like cancer—it grows on its own momentum.”

Most of us cover our shame to protect ourselves from the pain. We wear suits of armor that gives the appearance that we are sure of ourselves, that we have our lives together, that we are invincible, and nothing can hurt us. I spent a lot of my early life hiding my shame. It wasn’t until I got in a men’s group that I felt safe enough to let my true feelings show.

Both shame and guilt are ways in which people experience feeling bad. Yet the two are quite different. Guilt involves feeling bad about what we do or fail to do. Shame is feeling bad about who we are, about our very being. I’ve found that men and women often experience shame differently. Women are more ashamed of their bodies, while men are more ashamed of how they are seen by others.

It was only after my father took an overdose of sleeping pills and was committed to the State Mental Hospital that I realized that something was wrong. He often appeared irritable and angry, but I never understood the struggle he was having making a living or the shame he felt at not being able to support his family. Millions of men today are out of work or are working at jobs that are meaningless or don’t utilize their real skills.

James Gilligan, M.D. has spent his professional life working with men who are angry to a point of violence. He believes that shame is the underlying feeling that is present in all angry and violent men. “I have yet to see a serious act of violence that was not provoked by the experience of feeling shamed and humiliated, disrespected and ridiculed,” says Dr. Gilligan, “and that did not represent the attempt to prevent or undo that ‘loss of face.’” We often hear it in the slang that men use as a reason they become angry and aggressive. “He dissed me,” men will tell you. Dissed is short for disrespected.

In our society today, too many men feel disrespected and ashamed. They often express their pain by becoming angrier and more aggressive. Men need more care and support, but often get punished.

Antidote for Shame

I’ve found that one of the first steps we can take in addressing shame is to accept it ourselves rather than denying it.  Shame thrives in darkness and decreases when we shine the light of awareness on it.  Gilligan says that violent men (and all men to some degree) have a carefully guarded secret about shame, that most would literally rather die than reveal. “The secret is that they feel ashamed—deeply ashamed, chronically ashamed, acutely ashamed, over matters that are so trivial that their very triviality makes it even more shameful to feel ashamed about them, so they are ashamed even to reveal what shames them.” We then need to be able to talk about our feelings of shame with a trusted friend, family member, or therapist. Also, we can all notice ways in which men are disrespected in society—jokes, media portrayals, cutting remarks and put-downs.

Women often want men to open up and share their feelings. But feelings of shame are often buried so deep they clog up our ability to feel at all. Until I joined a men’s group, I often felt I was a time-bomb waiting to explode. One of the main reasons I didn’t share my feelings with my wife was that I was afraid that once I began to feel again, I might hurt those I care about the most. Being part of a men’s group helped me to feel my feelings in a safe and supportive atmosphere.

If you have questions or comments, please share below or email me.

Soon, I’ll be offering a way to be more directly involved with me and to get your questions answered about specific ways to improve your love life including facing issues such as male anger.

It will be for men and women who want more, but can’t afford or don’t need weekly therapy sessions. To make it the best it can be and fit your specific needs, I’d like your feedback. I have a quick questionnaire I’d like you to take that lets me know what you might like from such a community. It won’t take you long to fill out. Please do so here.

Best Wishes,

Jed Diamond

Founder and VHS (Visionary Healer Scholar) of MenAlive

  1. How are you suppose to have friends when society has become so competitive that friendship is a commodity to be used, misused, and then thrown away and the bosses thrive on keeping it that way? Nowadays, people have to travel farther and farther to work and don’t have time to make friends in the neighborhood plus your fellow workers live in other cities or parts of the county so you can no longer invite them over to your place for a drink or a party?

  2. As a mother of two boys and the ex-wife of an angry man, this is really eye-opening. Thank you. I have found my friendships through work, through volunteer activities and through Al-anon. Is it just more acceptable for women to open up? Or are we wired differently? I am amazed when my boys get together with their friends because instead of talking, exchanging information, etc, they are just playing games together. They are laughing and having fun, but I never see that exchange of social information that girls do. Although my ex was good at having friends, he had a ton of shame around not being as successful as his peers. In my mind, he was smart to spend more time with his kids than commute and compete. But ultimately the shame ate him up (in my opinion). I found this line very profound: “The male has paid a heavy price for his masculine ‘privilege’ and power. Something for me to chew on.

  3. Margot,
    Thanks for the comments. The new science of gender-specific medicine shows that a lot of these traits about men are wired in. It doesn’t mean they can’t change, but they are part of our evolutionary history. When you’ve spent millions of years as a hunter going out and killing animals that you felt connected to, it made sense to be less emotionally involved, also to focus more on action and doing, rather than on talking and relating. Understanding these differences can help us change what we can and want to change, but to honor the differences. I go into depth into this process in my upcoming book, 12 Rules for Good Men. Stay tuned for more information.

  4. Hi Dr. Jed! I have a female coworker just like this with irritable loneliness. She is torturing our workplace. She picks any little imperfection to spark an argument. Sometimes I have difficulty sleeping at night, worried about her next irrational nitpick. It’s always difficult to approach an individual regarding this. Especially if they are not friends or family.
    I appreciate what you said about males not having many friends. At this stage in my life 32, I’m becoming closer with my male friends, because I can open up to them.

  5. Depression. Untreated or treated it still inhibits the effort it requires to reach out and make the connection. Throw in the condition of being powerless over a substance or a behavior as in gambling, drinking or codependency and we have an all too common scenario for isolation and loneliness. I have found after hitting a hard enough bottom that a treatment for my powerless condition was attending meetings to help me recover from the disease that had me isolated, lonely and out of answers. I can say if depression is the progenitor of addiction or if addiction results in depression? I spent many decades trying to understand why I was the way I was. The medicine helped me to not lie in bed for my entire time but it was a treatment not a cure. Identifying my powerlessness and accepting my truth that what ever the cause it did not matter one bit, the knowledge of why I was the way I was had never provided relief from the condition. Giving up the hunt, accepting that I had nothing to change my condition some how, some way provided me with the only relief I’d ever experienced in the 50 yrs I had lived with that darkness. I don’t understand how I was able to feel hopeful and take actions that actually bright me relief for the only time in my life. The meetings allow me to listen to others who have endured the very same feelings, experiences and hopelessness; I am not alone. There is a fellowship that provides me relief. It is inexplicable but a part of what happened to me allows me to accept that I don’t need to know or understand everything about how the world works. I have been a gift with the ability to live in the mystery, it has helped to quell the anxiety, allowed me to breath and accept the world on its terms, since it is overwhelmingly large. That’s it, my story. I’m not cured, I’m certainly not special, but I have found relief as long as I remember to accept, surrender, and take a few simple actions the dark cloud of depression and the resulting loneliness is lifted and connection to a few others is possible for me.

  6. Bill,
    Thanks for sharing your experiences. I’m sure they will be helpful to others who are going through similar difficult times.

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