In my upcoming book, 12 Rules for Men: How to Live Fully, Love Deeply, and Make a Difference in the World, I hope to mentor men and help women better understand what’s great about men. I shared some of these important facts in my article, “The Single Most Important Fact About Men.” Here are 12
I wrote an article, “The One Thing Men Want More Than Sex Is The One Thing Women Find It Hard to Give,” that has been read now by more than 3 million men and women. “How many times have we heard the phrase, ‘All men want is sex?’ I asked in the article. “When I
One of the things we must all deal with in our lives is the reality that loved ones will die. As I’ve gotten older that reality comes closer and closer to home. Both Carlin and I have gone through the pain of our parent’s death. We’ve also had close friends die and been with friends
I’ve been in love and I’ve been obsessed with love. I wrote the book, Looking for Love in All The Wrong Places: Overcoming Romantic and Sexual Addictions and shared my own experiences as a therapist and recovering sex addict. “Many of us are addicts, only we don’t know it,” says Dr. Stanton Peele, an authority
I never meant to become a writer. I love to read and I had gotten interested in issues related to sex, men, and women (issues close to my heart, mind, and soul, not to mention other parts of my body). My latest book, Essentially Male: 12 Rules for Becoming Your Own Man, will be published
After 50 years on the fringe, the men’s movement has hit the mainstream. When I began doing men’s work in 1969 there were few others in the field. My first book, Inside Out: Becoming My Own Man, was published in 1983. My most recent book, Essentially Male: 12 Rules for Becoming Your Own Man will
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