We all have numbers that are important to us. Our anniversary date, the number of friends and family we will invite to our daughter’s wedding, maybe even the number of calories per day we’re going to try and maintain through our next (and this time it’s going to work) diet. But there are six numbers

It’s impossible to read, watch, or listen to any media today without being bombarded by Donald Trump news and his latest tweets and actions. Some believe he is the savior of the working class. Others believe he is leading our country to disaster. Some believe he is bridging the divide between the U.S. and her

For me, 2016 was a time of massive change. My wife and I moved from our home of 25 years in the beautifully quiet hills outside of Willits and bought a home in town where we could walk everywhere. I turned 73, which isn’t an obviously important age like 21, 60, 75, 80, or 100,