We all know that the world is becoming more stressful every day. We worry about the economy, another war in a place we’ve never heard of, our parents getting old and dying, the well-being of our children, our own health. Sometimes it seems like our lives are one endless series of stresses. The bad news

A new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is due out next year and there is renewed discussion about what constitutes a “mental illness.”  One of the world’s leading psychiatrists is questioning the very concept of mental illness. “In non-psychiatric circles mental illness all too often is considered to be whatever psychiatrists say it

If you suffer from chronic pain, you’re not alone.  We all know that pain can impact our lives and we’ve all suffered from back pain, neck pain, headaches,or pain in our joints.  But few of us realize how many other people suffer and the real causes of chronic pain. According to the American Academy of