Part 3 – The Happy Truth Tellers In Part 1, I shared my joy and the birth of my first child in 1969 and the fears that I faced when I read the book Future Shock by Alvin Toffler the following year and later had my own vision where I saw the Ship of
Part 2 – Jed Diamond’s Journey This is the second part of the series on how to be happy without denying reality. You can read Part 1 here. I’d like to tell you the truth about my own challenges, the reality most therapists never share publicly. I hope my journey will enlighten your own.
I have been a counselor for more than fifty years, but I’ve only been a trauma-informed counselor since I learned I had four ACEs. Let me explain. ACEs stand for “adverse childhood experiences.” The ACE studies began as a collaboration between the CDC and Kaiser hospital in 1998 and more than seventy research papers have
Some might accuse me of being obsessed with sex. I certainly talk about it and write about it a lot. My first book, Inside Out: Becoming My Own Man was rejected by numerous publishers and I not only have a collection of rejection letters (as every author must), but mine are angry and lengthy. I
Part 4 This is the last part of my four-part series to help us better understand why men feel what they feel and do what they do. June is Men’s Health Month and on Father’s day I made available my on-line course “Healing the Family Father Wound.” Like me, many men and women grew
“I am what survives me” – Erik Erikson “Leaving a Legacy” is one of the chapters of Ken Dychtwald’s new book, Radical Curiosity: One Man’s Search for Cosmic Magic and a Purposeful Life and Ken leads with the above quote from Erik Erikson. When I was in graduate school at U.C. Berkeley in 1965 I
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