Once again we must face the reality that we live in a country where we are unable to protect our children from being murdered in their schools. The politicians blame each other and one political party thinks the other is destroying the country. Too many people have just given up hope and accept a suicidal
PART 1 I just returned from spending a week with my men’s group. We began meeting forty-three years ago with seven of us. Now there are only three that are alive and can travel. We have been committed to our own healing and supporting each other and our families to be the best men we
No one has to tell us that we are living during a time of massive change. The arrival of the Coronavirus has impacted everyone on earth, reminded us that we are all connected, and calling humanity to reconnect with our partnership roots before our dysfunctional practices bring about our demise. I recently wrote an article,
I’ve been short all my life. From the time I started school I was the shortest boy in my class. My mother told me not to worry. “Your uncles are tall, I’m sure you’ll grow to be tall like them” Both she and my father were under 5 ½ feet tall and even in college
Being male for nearly 78 years, I’ve had a long time to think about what it means to have an XY pair of chromosomes and how I am alike and different from those who have an XX pair. I founded MenAlive following the birth of our first son, Jemal, on November 21, 1969. I
“If you could make male mortality rates the same as female rates, you would do more good than curing cancer.” Randolph M. Nesse, M.D. Some men want to travel to outer space. My dream is closer to home. For more than fifty years I have focused on healing men and their families. My website MenAlive.com
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