As I reflect on the Super Bowl, there are few things in life that I’ve been engaged in more deeply than sports. I’ve never missed watching a Super Bowl game in fifty years. But my love affair with sports goes way back and like most love affairs there has been a mixture of good, bad,
Prior to my birth my parents were sure I was going to be a girl. They had done some kind of tests (Don’t know whether they were medical or swinging a needle in front of my mother’s pregnant belly) that convinced them to begin picking out girl’s names and get lots of dolls ready for
If you are attuned to media you may have the mistaken belief that all men want is sex, sex, and sex. Ask Woody Allen. He’ll tell you. “I don’t know the question,” said Allen, “but sex is definitely the answer.” Or look up quotes from that iconic sex symbol, Mae West. “Too much of a
Carlin and I often watch Book-TV on weekends and listen to the latest non-fiction books. Today we heard Eileen Pollack talking about her book, The Only Woman in the Room: Why Science is Still a Boys’ Club. She talks about the ways that women have been excluded from studying science and math and other areas
I’ve been a marriage and family counselor for more than 40 years and I’m still surprised at how little we know about what really turns women on. It took me many years to take seriously two statements that my wife made at different times about what turned her on: “I really get turned on when
It isn’t easy being a man (or a woman) these days. Roles are changing. The world is changing. It can feel like the very foundation of who we are has been built on an earthquake fault. Just when we think we can walk around safely, the ground begins to move and we are knocked off
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