It’s January and once again I begin thinking about losing weight. I keep track of my weight and keep losing and gaining the same 20 pounds. I eat pretty well, but I eat too much. Like most people, there are a million reasons why I weigh more than I want to weigh. I’ve always been
As you of you know, I’m writing my first memoir. It looks at how my father’s breakdown has had an impact on my life and how he and I learned to heal the father wound. It’s called Return of the Puppet Man: Healing the Wound from a Father’s Absence. If you’d like to read a
My quest to understand what it meant to be a man began the day I dismantled my crib. I mean who wants to spend large portions of the day and night locked behind bars when there is so much to be explored in the world? I was four years old. Shortly thereafter I wanted to
Like many men, my father grew up knowing that he had to be successful as the family breadwinner. Then, as now, it wasn’t always easy to fulfill that crucial role that is at the core of a man’s self-esteem. While his brothers all went into business, my father’s passion was to be an actor. When
There’s nothing more basic than sex. None of us would be here if that one lucky sperm didn’t survive against all odds to be allowed merge with an egg. The resulting union created you and me. Let’s think for a moment about that union. A healthy adult male can release between 40 million and 1.2
I’ve been writing a memoir, From Madness to Manhood, and sharing chapters with you, my readers. Your comments and feedback mean a lot to me. You can read other chapters here, here, here, and here. When I was four I announced that I was tired of my white baby shoes and I wanted “big boy
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