(Note: This article is the third in my Good Men Manifesto series. Here’s the first one and here’s part two.) Accept the fact that, with few exceptions, all humans are either XX (female) or XY (male). It’s good that we recognize that not all humans are either XX or XY, but we shouldn’t forget that the exceptions
About Sex: The Evolutionary Importance of Males and Females (Note: This article is the second in my Good Men Manifesto series. Here’s the first one.) There is a lot of confusion about what it means to be male or female these days. Masculinity today is maligned and misunderstood. Some believe maleness itself is inherently destructive
There’s a lot of focus on men these days, much of it negative. Many are concerned about the harm men cause to women, children, and other men. Others are concerned about the problems men cause to themselves. My work over the years has been to help men answer three questions that we all need to
My life was in turmoil. My marriage was in trouble. My two kids were suffering. I was very successful at work, but the stress was killing me. When I saw the flyer in Mill Valley I almost screamed. “Men, come and share a day with other men and hear psychologist Herb Goldberg, author of The
I had forgotten the inscription Warren Farrell put in his ground-breaking book, Why Men Are the Way They Are. “September 27, 1986, Dear Jed, to a warm, intense caring man who knows how to offer in writing his intellect and his soul. We share devotions and ambitions.” Both of us, Warren and Jed, have continued
I’ve been a therapist who specializes in helping men and the women who love them since 1969. In 1983 my first book, Inside Out: Becoming My Own Man, was published and my colleague, Sam Julty, said, “You’re the men’s maven.” I didn’t resonate with the term at the time, but it took on new meaning
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