Lewis Richmond is a modern male elder. So is his friend Peter Coyote and my friend Chip Conley. I met Lew in 1977 at Green Gulch Zen Temple in San Francisco where he was Head of Practice. I met Chip ten years later, shortly after he bought the iconic Phoenix Hotel, known back then as

I was five years old when my 45-year-old father took an overdose of sleeping pills. According to his journal, which I found many years later, he had become increasingly withdrawn and depressed because he couldn’t make a living to support his family. There are millions of men today who are feeling the same pain. Do

This article is the fifth in my Good Men Manifesto series. Here’s the first one, here’s part two, part three. and part four. Evolutionary success is really about the children. Our modern view of success can be summarized as “he who dies with the most toys wins.” We strive for more and more money so we can buy more and more stuff.

(Note: This article is the fourth in my Good Men Manifesto series. Here’s the first one, here’s part two, and this is part three.) Imagine the beauty of life beginning when a successful sperm gains access to a valuable egg. Most men know that size matters. Yet most of us are not aware of the difference in size and number between