The August 18, 2014 issue of Time magazine has a cover-story lead article titled: “Manopause?! Aging, Insecurity and the $2 Billion Testosterone Industry.”I joined a number of other men’s health experts on Huffington Post Live to discuss the article and its implications. The article begins with a provocative statement and a question. “These drugs promise

My search to understand male menopause began in the early 1990s and was both personal and professional. Personally, I was nearing the age of 50 and my wife was telling me something was wrong. “You’re hormonal,” she told me. “It’s like you’re going through menopause or something.” At first I laughed at the idea. But professionally many

Dear Dr. Jed, I read your book and I believe my husband is suffering from male menopause. He’s angry all the time and blames me for everything that is wrong.  He calls me names, yells at me, looks at me with such hatred, I want to disappear.  He’s never hit me, but I’m afraid of