In Part 1, I discussed the origin of my own search for masculinity growing up with an absent father. I also introduced you to Michael Gurian and Sean Kullman and their book, Boys, A Rescue Plan: Moving Beyond the Politics of Masculinity to Health Male Development. In Part 2, I expanded the discussion to draw
In Part 1, I discussed the origin of my own search for masculinity growing up with an absent father. I also introduced you to Michael Gurian and Sean Kullman and their book, Boys, A Rescue Plan: Moving Beyond the Politics of Masculinity to Health Male Development. Another colleague I had the pleasure of interviewing
My father was a wounded angry man. When I was five years old he swallowed a quantity of sleeping pills believing his family and the world would be better off without him. Luckily he survived and was sent to Camarillo State Mental Hospital, but our lives were never the same again. I grew up wondering
My father was an angry man. His anger was not the kind that explodes in flames, but the kind that simmers and scorches. To those who knew him, he was a kind and gentle man struggling to make a living as writer, but he was doing it in Hollywood during the time when progressive writers,
When I wrote the book, The Irritable Male Syndrome: Understanding and Managing the 4 Key Causes of Depression and Aggression, I warned that irritability and anger could escalate into violence. I described the group I directed for men who had been arrested for domestic violence. “When you talk with these men,” I said, “you wouldn’t
Part 2: The Traumatic Roots of Male Violence Abused Boys Grow Up to Become Abusive and Violent Men It never occurred to me that my life-long anger and depression and later my two broken marriages had anything to do with my past. All that changed in 1998 when I learned that I had 4
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