
The Irritable Male Syndrome
This is another life-transforming book for men-and the women who love them-on overcoming the mood and behavior changes caused by fluctuating male hormones. I present the most up-to-date research from around the globe to reveal why so many normally loving husbands, fathers, and sons suddenly become irritable, angry, and withdrawn. I identify the four common triggers of Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS)-fluctuating testosterone levels, biochemical imbalances, loss of masculine identity, and stress-and then shows how best to treat this condition that, research shows, affects up to 30 percent of males, especially those in adolescence and midlife.

Mr. Mean: Saving Your Relationship from the Irritable Male Syndrome
“Jed Diamond strips away the ‘shield of armor,’ revealing the naked truth about men’s vulnerabilities at mid-life. This is the ‘go to guide’ every woman must have to save herself, understand and support her mate, and strengthen their marriage. Men will absolutely benefit from this treasure trove of solid information as well.” –Nancy Cetel, M.D., author of Double Menopause

The Enlightened Marriage: The 5 Transformative Stages of Relationships and Why the Best Is Still to Come
Love and marriage are two of the greatest gifts life has to offer, yet too many marriages fail because couples don’t fully understand the five stages of relationships. Because most of us have had hurtful experiences in past relationships, often going back to childhood, we develop an inaccurate love map that causes us to get off track when the stresses of life increase.

12 Rules for Good Men
12 Rules for Good Men is based on the new findings from evolutionary science demonstrating three important truths. First, there was an earlier time in human history where males and females enjoyed greater equality. Second, what we call “civilization” has improved our lives in some way but caused unrecognized harm to males, females, and the fragile planet we all share. Third, there are critical, biologically based, differences between males and females that need to be understood and respected if we are to end the battle of the sexes and co-create, in the words of Charles Eisenstein, “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.”

The Good Men Manifesto
This is a companion e-book to 12 Rules for Good Men. When I wrote 12 Rules, I wanted to keep the book short, easy to read, and easy to follow. Many people asked me about the science and references that give a more detailed look at what it means to be a good man in today's world. The Good Men Manifesto details the things that men and women most want to know about men. I also describe the 25 key ideas for understanding the Good Men Revolution.