We have a chance to keep the fear going and find our own scapegoats, or we can begin a different kind of practice that can reduce the fear that is at the root of the violent mentality that has brought Donald Trump into power.
The loss of close family members at crucial times in our lives impacts our health, well-being, and our adult relationships.
Men want to be helped and educated, not sold to. Marketing to men takes a straight forward approach with less sales tactics.
I would get angry at her when she didn’t nurture me the way I had longed to be nurtured by my mother. She would withdraw when my irritability and anger triggered memories of her own absent father.
James Hillman says that we must answer two related question about our lives:
How do I put together into a coherent image the pieces of my life?
How do I find the basic plot of my story?
To master the secrets of love, we must let go of some of our most cherished beliefs.
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