I’ve always liked rules and I know I’m not alone. Social scientist Joyce F. Benenson says “Boys have an incredible reverence for rules. From early childhood, boys begin to generate rules, to negotiate changes in rules, and to argue over broken rules and appropriate penalties.” She goes on to say that rules are necessary for
In my last post I wrote about “Christine, Brett, and Me: One Man’s Reaction To The Ford-Kavanaugh Hearings.” I got a lot of reaction from both men and women. Some people made a single comment in support or opposition. Some people continued to post, generally in angry opposition to what I had written. It was
After listening to Christine Blasey Ford share her memories before the Senate Judiciary Committee I posted my immediate impressions on Facebook: Jed Diamond September 27 at 8:43 AM “I watched Christine Blasey Ford share her story of how she was assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh. I was moved to tears seeing how frightened she was, yet how
When I was five years old my father was committed to Camarillo State Mental Hospital. He had become increasingly stressed and depressed because he couldn’t find work to support his family. I grew up wondering what happened to my father and whether I inherited his “mental illness.” I talk about my healing journey in my
The most tragic indictor of a world out of balance is the suicide rate in males. At every age, males take their own lives at rates much higher than females: Male 10 to 14-year-olds have suicide rates 1.8 times higher than females Male 15 to 19-year-olds have suicide rates 4.0 times higher than
I’ve been an angry man most of my life. My anger has contributed to physical and emotional problems I’ve had growing up and it is also the cause of the ending of my first marriage and my rebound marriage to an angry woman. Fortunately, I learned to understand the causes of my anger, how to
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