If you’re rich and famous you’ve probably known about Jeffrey Epstein for a long time. The rest of us have only recently learned about him from the barrage of news stories with headlines like these: How Jeffrey Epstein’s Death Became a Political Football—CNN News Jeffrey Epstein Accuser Jennifer Araoz Sues Ghislaine—NBC News Jeffrey Epstein’s Death
This article is the sixth in my Good Men Manifesto series. Here’s the first one, here’s part two, part three. , part four. and part five. Know that throughout human history 80% of women had children, but only 40% of men did. In our modern world where it seems that everyone is having sex, we forget that through most of human history
This article is the fifth in my Good Men Manifesto series. Here’s the first one, here’s part two, part three. and part four. Evolutionary success is really about the children. Our modern view of success can be summarized as “he who dies with the most toys wins.” We strive for more and more money so we can buy more and more stuff.
(Note: This article is the fourth in my Good Men Manifesto series. Here’s the first one, here’s part two, and this is part three.) Imagine the beauty of life beginning when a successful sperm gains access to a valuable egg. Most men know that size matters. Yet most of us are not aware of the difference in size and number between
(Note: This article is the third in my Good Men Manifesto series. Here’s the first one and here’s part two.) Accept the fact that, with few exceptions, all humans are either XX (female) or XY (male). It’s good that we recognize that not all humans are either XX or XY, but we shouldn’t forget that the exceptions
About Sex: The Evolutionary Importance of Males and Females (Note: This article is the second in my Good Men Manifesto series. Here’s the first one.) There is a lot of confusion about what it means to be male or female these days. Masculinity today is maligned and misunderstood. Some believe maleness itself is inherently destructive
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