Part 1 When I was five years old my father took an overdose of sleeping pills and was committed to Camarillo State Mental Hospital. I grew up with an insatiable desire to understand what happened to my father and terrified it would happen to me. I went to college, got married, had children, earned
Recent research shows that the divorce rate is at a 40-year low, unless you are over fifty. “Younger married couples are less likely to split up, but ‘gray’ divorces among older couples are on the rise,” according to Jo Craven McGinty, a columnist for The Wall Street Journal. According to the Pew Research Center, the
Part 3 In part 1 I described the wounding Scott Harrison and I experienced and how it led to increased disconnection, anger, and violence. In part 2, I explored the connection between trauma in our families of origin and later violence in our lives. Here, I’ll delve more deeply into how violence towards women
Part 2 In part 1 I described the wounding Scott Harrison and I experienced and how it led to increased disconnection, anger, and violence. Here, I’ll explore more deeply the connection between trauma in our families of origin and later violence in our lives. Violence directed at ourselves and others is common in
Note: Beginning in September, 2021, I began offering a certification and training program for people who wanted to expand their work to help others more effectively. As part of the training, they read several of my books, including My Distant Dad: Healing the Family Father Wound. Here is one man’s reflection on the book and
Part 1 Scott Harrison leads an organization called Charity Water and his mission is to bring clean water to everyone on the planet. I founded MenAlive in 1969 following the birth of my son and daughter. My mission is to heal childhood trauma and end male violence in the world. This is our story.
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