I was five years old when my uncle drove me to the mental hospital. I was confused and afraid. “Why do I have to go?” I asked Uncle Harry. He turned his head towards me and smiled. “Your father needs you.” “What’s the matter with him?” I was beginning to cry,
When I wrote the book, The Irritable Male Syndrome: Understanding and Managing the 4 Key Causes of Depression and Aggression, I warned that irritability and anger could escalate into violence. I described the group I directed for men who had been arrested for domestic violence. “When you talk with these men,” I said, “you wouldn’t
Like most men, I was trained from an early age to be self-sufficient and strong. Part of that training is the reason men as a group live sicker and die sooner than women. For more than fifty years now it has been my mission to change this unhealthy paradigm. It is true for men and
“Today, many things indicate that we are going through a transitional period, when it seems that something is on the way out and something else painfully being born,” said the playwright and former Czech president Václav Havel. “It is as if something were crumbling, decaying, and exhausting itself—while something else, still indistinct, were rising from
Part 3 – The Happy Truth Tellers In Part 1, I shared my joy and the birth of my first child in 1969 and the fears that I faced when I read the book Future Shock by Alvin Toffler the following year and later had my own vision where I saw the Ship of
Part 2 – Jed Diamond’s Journey This is the second part of the series on how to be happy without denying reality. You can read Part 1 here. I’d like to tell you the truth about my own challenges, the reality most therapists never share publicly. I hope my journey will enlighten your own.
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