I was five years old when my uncle drove me to the mental hospital. I was confused and afraid. “Why do I have to go?” I asked Uncle Harry. He looked at me with his round face and kind eyes. “Your father needs you,” he said simply. “What’s the matter with him?” He turned away
Being male for nearly 78 years, I’ve had a long time to think about what it means to have an XY pair of chromosomes and how I am alike and different from those who have an XX pair. I founded MenAlive following the birth of our first son, Jemal, on November 21, 1969. I
Part 2 In Part 1, I described the concept of gylanic healing and its origin in the visionary work of Riane Eisler. I have the honor of having Riane join me and a number of colleagues for a special event on November 19, 2021 for men and women who are committed to healing our
Millions of men are depressed and don’t know it. Millions of women are living with depressed men, but don’t know what to do. Men often take their irritability and anger out on the women and children they care most about and feel guilty, ashamed, and frustrated. Families live in confusion and pain because they don’t
“If you could make male mortality rates the same as female rates, you would do more good than curing cancer.” Randolph M. Nesse, M.D. Some men want to travel to outer space. My dream is closer to home. For more than fifty years I have focused on healing men and their families. My website MenAlive.com
Part 1 I doubt I have to convince you that humankind is not doing well. The Covid pandemic continues to kill people, climate change threatens our life-support system, and according to the World Report on Violence and Health published by World Health Organization, each year more than 800,000 people die as a result of
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