“The male has paid a heavy price for his masculine ‘privilege’ and power,” said Dr. Herb Goldberg in his book The Hazards of Being Male. “He is out of touch with his emotions and his body. He is playing by the rules of the male game plan and with lemming-like purpose he is destroying himself—emotionally,
This is the second of a two-part series on the female father wound. If you haven’t yet read part 1, you can do so here. Why Is It So Difficult to Recognize That the Father Wound is at the Core of Our Relationship Problems? The loss of a parent is traumatic and we tend
I’ve been dealing with the family father wound my whole life, but it has taken me a long time to recognize how prevalent the father wound is in the lives of men and women and how the female father wound can harm our health and destroy our relationships. If you visit my website, MenAlive.com, you
Welcome to the third installment of this three-part series. You can read Part 1 here, and Part 2 here. The idea of MenAlive began on November 21, 1969 with the birth of our first son, Jemal. Over the years MenAlive was grown from a commitment to my son to be a different kind of
In Part 1, we explored how the wolf metaphor has been viewed as negative and how the introduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park created positive changes that can offer us real guidance about how to heal mankind and humanity. Mark Pirtle, author of Is Your story Making You Sick: Heal Your Story, Heal
PART 1 I just returned from spending a week with my men’s group. We began meeting forty-three years ago with seven of us. Now there are only three that are alive and can travel. We have been committed to our own healing and supporting each other and our families to be the best men we
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