Free Books for the Holidays: Help Me Find Good Homes For “My Children.” 

 December 5, 2014

By  Jed Diamond

Free books PicAs we move from Thanksgiving into the Christmas holidays and the New Year, I need your help. Many of you have read my recent posts, Life, Death, and Leaving and Dark and Quiet, about our move into town after 25 years living on Shimmins Ridge. We’re already beginning to pack some of our things and are looking for potential houses in town. Leaving is never easy and moving can be difficult, but we’ll manage well, I’m sure.

I have lots and lots of books. I’m going through them deciding which ones to keep and which ones to give to the library. The keepers are ones that have become old friends and companions over the years. They contain important wisdom that I use in my life and are ones I like to share with others. Here is my top-ten list of keepers:

  •             The Science of Evil—Simon Baron-Cohen
  •             The Male Brain—Louann Brizendine
  •             The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart—Robert Bly, James Hillman, Michael Meade
  •             AntiFragile—Nassim Taleb
  •             Born to Rebel—Frank Sulloway
  •             A Story Like the Wind—Laurens van der Post
  •             Peak Everything—Richard Heinberg
  •             Blessed Unrest—Paul Hawken
  •             Violence—James Gilligan
  •             An Unquiet Mind—Kay Redfield Jamison

But there is another set of books, and that’s where I need your help. These are books I’ve written myself (there are now 12 different titles). My books illicit some of the same pride, love, and care that I feel for my children. After a publisher has sold all they can they often “remainder” the rest and many are literally shredded. I’ve never been able to stand the thought of having “my babies” destroyed so I’ve bought back what publishers didn’t sell.

As a result I have a number of cases of four titles of my books. I’d like to find good homes for them so I’m planning to give them away a case at a time to people who know me and my work.

The books are FREE. You just have to pay to have them shipped to you (usually not too expensive, depending on where you live.) As you may know my books cover a wide range of topics from sex and love to stress and depression. They are all about how to improve our lives.

  1. Here are the names of “my children” who are looking for good homes:
  2. Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places: Overcoming Romantic and Sexual Addictions (Hardcover original, 36 books in a case.)
  3. MenAlive: Stop Killer Stress With Simple Energy Healing Tools (paperback, 34 books in a case)
  4. Inside Out: Becoming My Own Man (my first book, paperback, 68 books in a case)
  5. Love It, Don’t Label: A Practical Guide for Using Spiritual Principles in Everyday Life (My wife, Carlin’s first book, paperback, 68 books in a case).

If you’d like to take a case here’s how it works:

  1. Email me. Put “free books” in the subject line.
  2. Tell me how many cases you’d like and which books you want.
  3. Give me your mailing address. I’ll find out how much it will cost to ship them to you.
  4. I’ll email and let you know. You send me a check. I send you the books.

You can use them in any way you want. You can give them away. Sell them and make a little extra money. Donate them to organizations you feel would benefit.

You can give me a great holiday gift by helping “my children” find good homes. And you can help others by getting my books in their hands.

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Best Wishes,

Jed Diamond

Founder and VHS (Visionary Healer Scholar) of MenAlive

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